please forgive me, my previous comment was not very lady-like
Age 34, Male
Joined on 9/9/08
please forgive me, my previous comment was not very lady-like
Negrowounds. Just like what mom used to make.
That flash will be more epic if you put a steelchair in there.
lol nice
That jokes been done before.
There was also "Jewgrounds"
Racism is no joke my friend...
Jewgrounds is better ! But not bad man
Knee Grow Please.
That's the secret message.
Hahah! As if "NGers" wasn't enough XD
Can't believe I never noticed this
Nice flash btw. Dig that clean style
It's like, when we refer to each other as NGers, it's, like, two letters away from being my Dad's favorite word, "n****rs"
n***a u cray-z
When Newgrounds was first start, it was called "Newgrounds Remix" and was shortened to NGR. So there ya go.
The more the know!
nice animates
You only hate me 'cause I'm black...
Just joking. Am I racist now? o_o
this comes as no surprise: newgrounds has been opressing ni ggers by censoring the n word for quite some time now
This is serious bidness guys Newgrounds has racial intolerance we need to stop them nigggaz