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I like the contrast between links dream and irl. The different styles played well against each other. Your characters were very animated without being over animated and the movement were really cool. Good stuff all round ey thanks for making!

MrChambers responds:

Aye dude thanks a bunch!


The art is what kept me watching. The animation was ok, but it seemed to lean on just having lots of shots, instead of movement.
Audio wasn't very good though, the acting was fine, but the quality was too low.
Still a very strangely entertaining piece, nice work on the art.

Honeybloy responds:

I agree, I should have worked a bit harder on my audio.

Thanks for reviewing!


A stick figure psychological thriller/action. I thought it worked pretty well. The only thing I didn't like so much was that it was a bit too disjointed for a short flash, it might have worked better with less cuts and scene changes. But still, not bad.

jocki responds:

Thank you sir. :)


The characters you make are always so interesting, the colour scheme was really cool too. Also the audio was really well put together. Good job overall.

Butzbo responds:

Hhey thanks Kieran, oh by the way, i used your tip about the blending tool for the "transition take", i'm stunned with how easy it is and the 'coolness' of the results HEHEHHE.


I rather liked this. It was quite funny, and the concept is great. I think that there where too many "awkward moments" throughout it, and that got a little less funny, but still a nice flash. Well done.

ViolentBuddha responds:

Okey dokey. Less akward moments in the future.Thanks comrade :)

Holy shit

The is some great quality work right there.
I mean, The artwork was amazing, the animation was amazing, the sound was amazing.
I wish more flashes where done with this amount of detail and effort. And you did the 3d surprisingly well considering it was done with 2d objects.
Very well done!

redminus responds:

Why thank you, sir. Perhaps we can collab sometime if you want a background artist for an Edwin episode? That is, if you want the filesize to quadruple, heh.


I like your drawings and style, and the flash had a nice pace with some average animation. But it was much too short and didn't really have a point.
If you put more effort and plot into your flashes, I'm sure you could come up with something good, maybe even great. Keep trying, and good luck.

WooleyWorld responds:

Like I said I just wanted to put this out to see how people would take it before I poured steam on it. I'll revisit this late and take into consideration what you've said. Your'e very right by the way, lol. I can draw I just can't write.

Better than I expected.

It was funnier than I expected, mostly because of the voices. I liked the fact that there was hardly any talking, but just weird noises. Other than that the animation was pretty good, a little rough but in a stylized way. Also it was a little short.
Well done though.

Battosai810 responds:

Thanks! I originally had a lot of dialogue, but I found that it's a more effective cartoon without it. I figured if I could cut it down to just the necessities I could have a better cartoon - glad you enjoyed it!


Really really interesting. You made everything fit together so nicely, especially the audio. Very nice use of style and cool animation.

Butzbo responds:

Hheeeyy', thanks dude!


Fantastically epic with great animation and a funny ending. Well done.
Movements looked a bit wierd but other than that it was good.

Hulalaoo responds:

yep, i not clear all

Kieran Sugure @Kieran-s

Age 33, Male




Joined on 9/9/08

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